Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Warriors Dark River
By Erin Hunter

This book is about 3 cats Jaypaw, Hollypaw and Lionpaw. Jaypaw is studying the ways to be a medicine cat, Hollypaw and Lionpaw are studying the ways of a warrior. Firestar and a patrol of Thunderclan cats were on the way to the gathering when they found the scent of Riverclan really strong. They crossed the tree bridge and found the whole Riverclan was on the island. Firestar asked what was going on and Leopardstar said "wait until the gathering starts". When the gathering started Blackstar announced that Shadowclan had 3 new kits of Tawnypelt. Next it was Leopardstar's turn. She said that Riverclan Left their old home because Twolegs children were threatining of exposing the camp but she said they would be back at there old camp by the next gathering. At the end of the book Jaypaw, Hollypaw, Lionpaw from Thunderclan and Breezepaw, Heatherpaw from Windclan go looking for 3 Windclan kits and in the end they find them but they have to escape from a cave by swimming down the river and into the lake. They find themselves washed up on the shore and help take the kits back to the Windclan's camp.

Warriors The Sight
By Erin Hunter

This book is about Hollykit, Lionkit and Jaykit left the nursery without permission of their mother Squrrielflight to go look for fox cubs. When they found the den they went insiide the back way and they fonud that the cubs were bigger than they excpected. The cubs found the kits and started to chase them but when the kits got out Jaykit called to Thornclaw and Thornclaw's patrol came and chased one of the cubs and the other two got away. Later on in the book Jaykit, Hollykit and Lionkit were given there apprentice names Jaypaw, Hollypaw, Lionpaw. The rest of the story is the ups and downs of Lionpaw, Hollypaw abd Jaypaw's apprentice training.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Warriors Sunset
By Erin Hunter

This book is about Stormfur and Brook from the Tribe of Rushing water. Came to live in the forest but they go to Riverclan first. When Brambleclaw went on a mission to find out what was happening to the other clans. When he got to the border between Shadowclan and Riverclan he saw Brook chase a squrriele onto the road and barley missed being hit by a car. Then Hawkfrost apperared and said that Brook was stealing prey from Shadowclan because it ran over the border. Hawkfrost took Brook and Stormfur back to the Riverclan camp and Brambleclaw folowed them. He then watched Hawkfrost explian what happened to the squrriele. Then Stormfur launched himself at Hawkfrost and they started fighting but Hawkfrost kept defending himself and Leopardstar stopped the fight and banished Stormfur and Brook from Riverclan. They find Brableclaw and he offers to take them bacl to Thunderclan and they accepted it. From that day on Stormfur and Brook were Thunderclan cats.

Warriors Twilight
By Erin Hunter

This book is about Thuderclan being attacked by a whole bunch of badgers. Leafpool and Crowfeather run away together but on the way to their place they want to find Midnight the star gazing badger runs into them and warns Leafpool. Crowfeather said they should go back and help fight the badgers. Leafpool and Crowfeather get there but not soon enough. Leafpool wnet to find Cinderpelt and when she did she was in the nursery helping Sorreltail give birth to her four kits. Just as Cinderpelt was leaving a badger came in and slashed at Cinderpelt and creates a huge gash which killed Cinderpelt instantly

Warriors Starlight
By Erin Hunter

This book is about the cats of all clans arrived at the new land where they shall live. Firestar announces a brand new warrior Squrreilepaw becomes Squrreileflight. As the cats are about to move to their new territories Tallstar the leader of Windclan changes his deputy from Mudclaw to Onewhisker. Just as Tallstar finishes announcing Onewhisker as his deputy he dies of old age. Onewhisker keeps his name until the find a way to talk to Starclan and recive his name and 9 lives. In one of the half-moon meetings Cinderpelt gives Leafpaw her medicinecat name Leafpool. Towards the end of the book Hawkfrost from Riverclan joins an alligence with some cats from Shadowclan and Mudclaw from wind clan to try and take down Onestar but Firestar finds out because Leafpool had a dream that Onestar was being attacked. Firestar leads a patrol of Thunderclan cats to go and help Onestar. When they get there Mudclaw runs off but Brambleclaw right on his tail. It started to rain heavy and lightning struck a tree which fell over and landed on Mudclaw. From then on the tree was used to get to the island and the island was used for the gatherings.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Warriors Dawn

By Erin Hunter

9/10 is my rating for this book. I gave that rating because had me want to continue reading.
This book is about the 3 remaing chosen cats (Brambleclaw, Tawnypelt and Crowpaw) going back to their clans and what happens after they return.
When Brambleclaw gets back to Thunderclan he finds all the cats are skinny because the humans have started to destroy the forest which is scaring away the prey. Squrrielpaw's sister Leafpaw was missing and Squrrielpaw couldn't do a thing about it. That night she had a dream, her dream was about a little hut which had cages and cats in the cages but instantly she reconized her sister. When she woke up she found her friend Sorreltail and asked her to follow her. She lead Sorreltail to the place in her dream. On the way they met the dawn patrol and asked them to join. At the hut they waited until the door opened. When the door did open 2 of the cats distracted the humans while the others freed the cats.
All the clans had to leave the forest because there were to many humans around to be kept secret. They travelled the exact same way the 3 chosen cats did on the way back. When they got to the mountains they stopped at the cave where the tribe lived. They stayed there for a couple of days until it was time to go. When they got out of the mountains they stopped at a field and rested until everyone was strong enough to go on. This is how the story finishes.

Warriors Moonrise

By Erin Hunter

My rating for this book is 8/10
This book is about the 4 chosen cats that had gone to the sea to find out what Midnight had to say. They learnt that Midnight was a badger and that the forest was going to be destroyed by humans. Midnight took the cats to the start of the mountains and said it was a faster way back to the forest but he couldn't go any farther. They were about half way through the mountains when they came across a waterfall and they were at the top of it. They stopped for a drink when a mud slide came that knocked them over the edge and into the lake below. They washed up onto the edge of the lake and once everyone was conscious again, they continued on their journey. They met other cats that had mud all over their fur. The mud covered cats told the 4 chosen ones to follow them. They were led into a cave behind the waterfall where they were shown the tribe and a place to rest. Soon enough they were given some food and the leader of the tribe came to them and introduced himself to the 4 cats; his name was Stoneteller. The cats from the forest rested at the cave for a couple of days. When they wanted to leave the tribe said they couldn't because Feathertail, the chosen cat from Riverclan was suposed to stay and save the tribe from a mountain lion called Sharptooth. From then on they were kept prisoner until Sharptooth was killed. One night when the cats were resting, Feathertail who was awake because she couldn't sleep, heard huge foot steps and woke everyone up just in time to hide. When everyone was hiding, Sharptooth came in and noticed the bait they had left for him. The bait was a mouse stuffed with deathberries. Sharptooth kicked it away and went straight at Feathertail but she launched herself up onto a higher rock. She slipped and a rock hit Sharptooth in the head which knocked him dead but Feathertail fell and died whith in seconds of the impact. After they buried her, the remaining 3 chosen cats headed off for the forest. The story ends when they reach Highstones. Highstones is with a rock that has special powers. The powers are used for leaders and medicine cats of clans to talk to their warrior ancestors Starclan.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Warriors Midnight

By Erin Hunter

My rating for this book is 8/10

This book is about Brambleclaw, he is a son of Tigerstar but when Brambleclaw was born Tigerstar was Tigerclaw. Brambleclaw had a dream when the former Thunderclan leader Bluestar came to him. In his dream Bluestar says to go to a cave with teeth which is near the sea (in the book they call it the sun drown place). There he has to find out what Midnight has to say. However he doesn't tell anyone about his dream and life goes on as normal. At a gathering of all clans, he finds his sister Tawnypelt who is in Shadowclan and she had the same dream except the former Shadowclan leader came to her. They talk to other cats and 2 of them say they had the same dream but with their clan's former leader in the dream. They then decide that they have to follow what the dream says and go to the cave; they decide to go in 2 days. When they do go they meet a former Thunderclan apprentice Ravenpaw. He had to leave because he was in danger of being killed by Tigerclaw. They stopped at the barn where Ravenpaw lived and got something to eat and rested. The next day at dawn they left the barn and headed towards the place where the see the sun sets. On that evening they hunt early on for mice and rabbits, and while they eat they look for the sun while it is setting. The continue their journey for the next few days. When they reach the sea they find the cave. Brambleclaw tried to get to it but a wave came over and knocked him down. The other cats saved him and they reached the cave. In the cave they find a badger. The badger's name turns out to be Midnight and the cats listen to what Midnight had to say. Midnight said that the forest where all 4 clans lived was going to be destroyed by humans to make houses. The next day they leave the cave and Midnight leads them to a faster way home. When they get to the route, Midnight says he can't go any farther and tells them to follow the mountains until the reach the forest.
This is how this book ends and the story continues in the next book of the series - "Moonrise"

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Warriors Firestar's Quest
By Erin Hunter
The rating I give it is 10/10

This book is about Firestar going with his mate Sandstorm on a very long trip and a hard mission to try to find Skyclan. On the way the encounter some trouble one of the problems is when Firestar climbs over to the other side of the river to see if there was any shelter and as he is about to cross back a wave comes down the river and floods the way back to the other side. Then Firestar spends days looking for Sandstorm and finally he found her and then they continue and the find one of the last warriors and he says he will join the clan. Then Firestar and Sandstorm find 2 house cats and they agree to join Skyclan and then they help look for other cats that want to join. Most of the cats that join were rouges. Then when there are enough cats in the clan that the leader of Skyclan who is Leafstar can run the clan her self. Then Firestar and Sandstorm leave and a few months after they get back to Thunderclan Sandstorm has kits and their names are Leafkit and Squirrelkit. My favourite part is when Firestar and Sandstorm save Skyclan.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Warriors The darkest hour

By Erin Hunter

I rate it 10/10

This book is about Tigerstar forming a new clan made out of Riverclan and Shadowclan and the new clan name is Tigerclan. Then Tigerstar tries to make Windclan and Thunderclan join but they refuse. Tigerstar gives them until next week to decide or he will force them to join. After the week has past Thunderclan and Windclan's answer is still no so Tigerstar says be at Fourtrees tommorow at dawn. When they arrive, Tigerclan and Bloodclan (which is with Tigerclan but like to keep their name) are there waiting for the decision. Yet it is still no so Tigerstar instructs Bloodclan to attack but their leader says no and kills Tigerstar. Then Bloodclan give all the other clans three days to get out of the forest. On the third day they have a fight where Firestar loses one of his lives and his deputy Whitestorm is killed by the Bloodclans leader. In revenge Firestar kills him and announces his best friend in the clan Greystripe shall be the new deputy of Thunderclan. Then after the death of their leader, the Bloodclans disappear and were never seen again. Then life in the forest returns to normal and once again there are 4 clans.

Warriors A dangerous path

By Erin Hunter

My rating for it is 10/10

This book is about a pack of dogs loose in the forest and they were stealing all the prey from Thunderclan territory. But later they found that Tigerstar, the new leader of Shadowclan, was killing all the prey and feeding it to the dogs. After a while Fireheart the deputy finds out that Tigerstar laid a trail of rabbits leading directly to Thunderclan's camp. So Fireheart leads the clan up a tree to safety while he runs down and waits for the dogs to chase him. When the leader of the dog pack is chasing him, Bluestar jumps on the dog and pushes him into the water but she also falls into the water. Fireheart tries to save her but when he gets her out of the water she says her goodbyes and dies. Therefore Fireheart become the leader and his name changes to Firestar.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Warriors Rising Storm

Warriors Rising storm
By Erin Hunter

This book is about Tigerstar, the new leader of Shadowclan and rival to Thunderclan. Fireheart had a dream about a fire in the Thunderclans camp and in the end it came true but he warned the clan and saved them. But Riverclan let Thunderclan stay in their camp until it was safe for them to return back to their camp. When they returned all the ferns and dens were destroyed so their first priority was to fix up the camp. My favourite part is when Firehearts dream saves the clan from certain death.

Warriors Forest of secrets

Warriors Forest of secrets
By Erin Hunter
10/10 is how I rate it

This book is about Tigerclaw who was sentenced to be banished from Thunderclan. But he comes back with a group of rouges and tries to attack Bluestar, the current leader of Thunderclan. Because Tigerclaw knows that Bluestar is on her last life, he tried to take advantage of that but then Fireheart comes in and saves Bluestar and chases away Tigerclaw. As a result, Fireheart becomes the new deputy of the clan. My favourite part is when Fireheart chases Tigerclaw away from Bluestar.