Warriors Moonrise
By Erin Hunter
My rating for this book is 8/10
This book is about the 4 chosen cats that had gone to the sea to find out what Midnight had to say. They learnt that Midnight was a badger and that the forest was going to be destroyed by humans. Midnight took the cats to the start of the mountains and said it was a faster way back to the forest but he couldn't go any farther. They were about half way through the mountains when they came across a waterfall and they were at the top of it. They stopped for a drink when a mud slide came that knocked them over the edge and into the lake below. They washed up onto the edge of the lake and once everyone was conscious again, they continued on their journey. They met other cats that had mud all over their fur. The mud covered cats told the 4 chosen ones to follow them. They were led into a cave behind the waterfall where they were shown the tribe and a place to rest. Soon enough they were given some food and the leader of the tribe came to them and introduced himself to the 4 cats; his name was Stoneteller. The cats from the forest rested at the cave for a couple of days. When they wanted to leave the tribe said they couldn't because Feathertail, the chosen cat from Riverclan was suposed to stay and save the tribe from a mountain lion called Sharptooth. From then on they were kept prisoner until Sharptooth was killed. One night when the cats were resting, Feathertail who was awake because she couldn't sleep, heard huge foot steps and woke everyone up just in time to hide. When everyone was hiding, Sharptooth came in and noticed the bait they had left for him. The bait was a mouse stuffed with deathberries. Sharptooth kicked it away and went straight at Feathertail but she launched herself up onto a higher rock. She slipped and a rock hit Sharptooth in the head which knocked him dead but Feathertail fell and died whith in seconds of the impact. After they buried her, the remaining 3 chosen cats headed off for the forest. The story ends when they reach Highstones. Highstones is with a rock that has special powers. The powers are used for leaders and medicine cats of clans to talk to their warrior ancestors Starclan.
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